(Photo removed because too many people were looking at it. Started to wig me out).
Every day we are reminded that Justin is entering his 'tweens' - that awkward stage between being a child and being a teenager. He turns 10 next month, and his interests are shifting away from action figures and cartoons and towards things like Ipods, girls and teen magazines with pullout posters of Justin Timberlake and Chris Rock. Style is suddenly very important to him and he covets his brand-name clothing (Volcum, Hurley, Billabong etc.) He's grown his hair long and shaggy like a lot of the young kids are wearing it these days - very reminiscent of the 1970s. Scott is constantly pushing it to the side so we can see his eyes. From the eyerolls, shoulder slumps and sighs we sometimes get when we ask him to do something to the chicken he hides in his napkin at dinner time, it's clear that this kid is developing a will of his own and beginning to test the boundaries. It's all a normal part of growing up and becoming his own person, although it reminds all too often that those teenage years are looming right around the corner. The other clear sign that times are a changing are the number of girls that swoon over Justin. I still think he's oblivious when it comes to the girls' affections - especially toward the five and six year old girls who are so clearly lovestruck. But last night, when Lydia (a friend from camp and the granddaughter of one of my coworkers) asked him to ride the ferris wheel with her ALONE, he seemed eager. He even used his own tickets to pay her way. Her grandmother reported to me the next day that Lydia told him she liked him and that he rested his arm on the seat behind her. But when I look at this picture - Justin scrunched all up in the corner, Lydia looking SO uncomfortable with her arm across her lap, it reminds me that they are still just kids. Here's to holding onto youth and innocence as long as possible.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Posted by
8:59 AM
Monday, July 23, 2007
Sawyer crossed the 365-days threshold Saturday. I couldn't resist the opportunity to dress him in this outfit, which Scott described as "dorky." Scott decorated a cake with sailboats on keel, breaking through the choppy water. He swirled blue icing in with the white and clear sparkles to give the water a realistic look. It was so cool. I never got weepy, but it was a strange feeling to stand at the mirror just before midnight Friday and think that at that very moment last year I was about to start pushing. I can't even remember who that girl was. Life before Sawyer seems to have dissipated into some faint outline of a memory. I remember being so excited to meet him. In the past year I've learned that my son is both shy and comical. He never ceased to amaze me with his sense of humor – something I never really possessed as a child. He must get that from his dad. But, like me, he is shy and looks like a deer caught in headlights whenever we are around new people or in a new place. He is sensitive and often burst into tears when we tell him 'no.' But othertimes he just agrees, shaking his head back and forth . . . no, no, no. He has an adventuresome spirit and loves to explore the house and the world outside. But, so far, is afraid of noisy toys and scrambles frantically up my chest and and over my shoulder when I push a noisy button. One thing we do know - he's a good eater. He can mack down two hot dogs, an entire bagel or a bowl full of pasta. I'm looking forward to getting to know him even better in the next year.
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1:19 PM
Sunday, July 15, 2007
crabbing with grandma anne
Catching the quintessential Chesapeake Bay dinner.
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12:38 PM
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Sawyer keeps a sharp eye out for 'sea nettles' as the locals call them. The rest of the world knows the pests as Jellyfish.
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7:42 PM
Now who's idea was that?
This beach sits just up the creek from our house. Scott - in a rare moment of weakness - allowed the kids to bury him. But they didn't have a shovel and we realized it was going to take all day. So Ernie jumped in to help. So helpful, no?
Posted by
7:40 PM
Thursday, July 05, 2007
My little Patriot wasn't being very cooperative on the photo front yesterday. Like his dad - he squints in bright light. In fact, lately, unless he's covered in something slimy - spaghetti sauce, drool - he's just looking like a deer in headlights whenever I try to photograph him.
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9:29 AM