How your baby's growing: By now, your baby probably weighs almost 4 pounds and is almost 17 inches long. He has tiny toenails now, and his fingernails have grown in, too. Some babies have a head of hair already; others have only peach fuzz.
Well, hopefully we only have 8 more weeks left. A due date, after all, is not a guarantee. I just hope he's not too late. The sooner he gets here, the more time Justin will have to spend with him. Of course, Justin will probably think he is just a boring blob that does nothing but eat and sleep. Justin arrives in only a few weeks - June 15 to be exact - and he leaves August 12. That's a little more than 8 weeks with us and we can't wait.
I broke-in the pool this weekend. My mom was the only one crazy enough to follow suit. The water was very chilly and the baby kicked (I may have even heard a muffled scream) as I sank my belly below the waterline. It felt refreshing though, once I got used to it, and I spent several hours just hanging onto a noodle and kicking my legs - part of my new "Just say no to cellulite on the butt" campaign.
Speaking of butts, I have been making a concerted effort to censor these updates after Uncle Ross expressed queasiness over any and all references to amniotic fluid and uteruses. After reading enough about it, I have become somewhat desensitized to all mention of anatomy and bodily function. As my friend Sarah Q. pointed out, the entire pregnancy experience culminates in a room full of people staring at your privates for several hours - and you don't even care. This is just a step along that path. Soon, I guess, my most daily conversations will likely hinge on even less pleasant topics such as poop and vomit.
And, speaking of Sarah Quainton, she and husband Capulet Poehner announce the birth of their first baby - Adelaide Catherine Poehner - who was born Wednesday, May 24, weighing 7 pounds 12 ounces and stretching 19 inches in length. I have been following the whole process with extreme interest, as anyone can imagine. I had the privilege of speaking to Sarah DURING labor (she had just received her epidural), directly after Adelaide was born (Sarah couldn't even move her legs yet), After the first night in the hospital and after the first few days at home. She seems to be adjusting well to motherhood and mentions that she can just sit and watch the baby for hours on end.
We have our last baby class this week and I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow. Hope everyone is doing well and had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Week 32
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11:36 AM
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