Monday, June 18, 2007

Back Off People - I've got staple guns

So I guess I suck for not loading a sweet photo of dad and babe on the blog (along with tales of Dad's greatness) for Father's Day. Truth be told, Scott was too busy getting Justin's room ready for his immenent arrival (tomorrrow). We had only minor details to take care of - i.e. insulation, walls, flooring, paint. Justin had left us paint samples denoting the exact colors he wanted his room to be - blue, white and brown. And Scott promised it would be ready when he got here. Well, we've always been apt to burn the midnight oil and the room will be mostly ready. It's kinda like - While You Were Out or Trading Spaces. 48 hours to remodel this room, and, GO! Only, we are the one's with the over-ambitious designer and we have to stay up all night doing 'homework.' Scott did pause to take a photo of me mid-insulation-installation. Now - Ain't he just the bestest dad/husband ever?


Afternoon Stache said...

Can't wait to see the results

Chillable said...

Are those ski goggles? Rock n roll, sister!

Sarah Q said...

you go girl! and you are so thin! no sign whatsover that you had a little muffin in the oven 10 months ago.

kitty said...

you look so hot! go get 'em, kiddo.