Friday, October 12, 2007

Fall Arrives

Fall Arrives, originally uploaded by Reid Pierce.

The temperatures have finally cooled. I bought this jacket for a recent wedding but figure - why shouldn't we get some more use out of it? Okay, maybe it's a bit formal for your average playground, but Sawyer is a hip dude. I think he can pull off a corduroy blazer over striped cotton leggings, don't you?


Afternoon Stache said...

Sawyer is a hip, hip dude.

kitty said...

i just realized we'll be in the northern neck for christmas and your baby girl will be 'on the ground' as they say bu then! horray i'll get to meet her (and see you, of course)

Sarah Q said...

it's sorta regge southern prep. time to sign him up for Woodberry Forest!

and man, that color saturation is just gorgeous!