Wednesday, March 05, 2008

EAP: 2 Months

Arden continues her trend of becoming short and fat just like . . . well, we're still not sure quite who she takes after. Here's the stats:
11 lbs (60%)
22 in. (30%)

This is my summary of today's doctor's appointment:
Doctor: I am going to inject your daughter with five shots. One could make her bleed out her butt. The second may cause high fevers. The third could give her seizures. The fourth could make her break out in a rash. And the fifth could make her turn white and pass out momentarily. But then she'll wake right back up. If they don't kill her, these shots could save her life. Here, take some Tylenol and hope for the best.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Adoooorable little panties! Wherever did you get them? ;)Reminds me I should put some on Libby now that she's crawling and try to get some good pictures.