Monday, September 01, 2008


Guess What? It's your lucky week. This is VIDEO WEEK at Pierce•ville. I've been busy this weekend pulling half-a-year's worth of videos off the recorder and so check back every day for something new and exciting. To warm you up, here is a lovely bit with a diaper clad Sawyer singing along to Bob the Builder. We don't have TV - which is a good thing - but we do watch videos and Bob is one of Sawyer's favs. Think he's seen it too many times? Check out how he knows what Bob is going to say at the very end of the video (when he's done jamming).

PS - WHY - WHY - WHY do kid songs have to be SO dang catchy? If I was ever deserted on a desert island I'd go mad with the soundtrack to Bob the Builder repeating over and over in my head.

1 comment:

K*Funk said...

I already know all the words to Madison's cds.... we listen to them in the car... And she's not even old enough to know the words!