There's been a huge void on this blog – something I haven't talked about, even though I think about it all the time. It's like one of those appendages at the end of your hand that you don't pay much mind to until it's broken and wrapped in a cast and suddenly you're crippled. In this case, it's my husband.

Having two babies - let's not mince words here - is Really F-king Hard! (okay I minced one word, but it's a family blog). And I couldn't do it without Scott. I'm not one of these super domesticated women. I'm terrible at cleaning. I hate recipes. I'm really not that good at taking care of the children (we survive, somehow). I take no pride in my domestic chores. In fact, I'd rather work and make NO money if I could hire a maid and a cook and a nanny to do the hard parts and just get to enjoy my family. Me being a housewife is about as laughable as me being a quarterback for the Washington Redskins.
Scott, on the other hand, excels at all these domestic things (he's cringing as he reads this) and were it not for the crushing weight of bills and the fact that his income potential so far surpasses mine that it takes a whole extra sheet of paper to graph it, he might be perfectly happy to stay at home and raise the family.
But the world being as it is, and us having two-point-five children to support, he needs a good, steady, reliable job with benefits that we can depend on for the next 20-something years. We're all done with self-employment (at least until we retire and open a ski-yurt-b&b-ranch in Colorado). And - so - DRUMROLL PLEASE . . .
Scott has taken a job in Northern Virginia with a wonderful construction company that builds high-end custom homes in the Great Falls area. For now, that means he is going to be living up there during the week while I live down here. (It's about two hours away). I know that raises about a million questions - How will that work? Won't it be hard on me? Will I move up there soon?
The truth is, we don't know yet. All we know is that this is a really good opportunity for Scott, and we're going to try this happily-married-living-separately for a while and see how it goes. It's not like we are the first family ever to do it - many parents travel for work. I may not be the ideal candidate for single-momdom, and BELIEVE ME, I am going to miss the heck out of him (especially when I'm trying to potty train Sawyer). But the world is crumbling around us, and on the same day that congress failed to sign the bailout, Scott signed his offer.
So, Monday morning this blog will take on a whole new purpose. It will be a way for Scott to be with us for all those little moments that happen sometime between breakfast and daycare.
And Scott: We love you. We are SO proud of you. And, we wish you Good Luck on Monday.
What sweet words...
Thank you babe!
Time to soldier up, and git-er-done now, Monday begins a great adventure for us all. A world of opportunities!
Reid, all of us are lucky to have you, and we love your wacky ways, so screw the recipes! Your the best!
I wish you both all the luck!! If I can help in anyway with the children let me know, adding another two to my three wouldn't make any difference. Besides, Grant and Will love playing with Sawyer at school and would be thrilled to spend more time with him. I hope to see you soon!!! Dawn
i know you'll rise to occasion to do whatever it takes for however long to make it work for the whole family. Hugs to all.
congrats again Scott and hang in there Reid.
can't wait to see you all soon
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