Tuesday, January 20, 2009

One for the history books

Dear Arden,
On this day you and I watched the inauguration of President Barack Obama together as it streamed (slowly) on a computer at work. Later, we watched on a television at the pediatricians office as the new President departed the Capitol. Moments after that, you were diagnosed with a high fever, strep throat and bronchiolitis. Nothing short of a typical day. Later, you slept in the back of the car while I pirated high speed internet from the library and emailed my stories in to the newspaper. I hope that as you read this in the future, you think it all trivial (a black president? what's the big deal?). But, just so you know, today, it felt like a very big and very wonderful deal. Now, if we can just get you healthy . . . that would be MONUMENTAL!

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