Monday, March 09, 2009

Little Miss Sensitive

So this is something new. Not sure if it's her tender age or a sign of things to come. Whenever you tell Arden 'no' she breaks into a torrent of tears. We were at the doctor today and she touched the outlet covers (and I didn't stop her because - that's why we have COVERS) and the doctor gave her a sharp "No! No!" and you would have thought somebody had just cut off her pinkie toe. Even the doctor totally backpedaled and apologized to her. She reacts like this to even the slightest reprimand, which is funny at first and then just kind of annoying because you have to be like: um, 'Arden, would you mind please not opening that cabinet door because all the expensive china is in there, thank you,' unless you want a 5 minute shrieking and crying ordeal. It's difficult, especially when you are used to barking out orders at an obstinate 2-year-old who will cut his unfazed eyes at you and then do whatever it was anyway. Arden's the same way about tumbles and spills - which I know Sawyer never was. This is probably where the nurture comes into play because I know we were better about telling him to brush it off and move on. She opens her mouth to for a giant wail but no sound comes out for . . . . 5 . . . . 10 . . . . 15 . . . . seconds and we can't help but pick the poor thing up at which point she lets out a lungful and then sticks those two fingers in her mouth and nestles her head against us. And, since I've seen the future and know what's to come in another 6 months or so, I can help but take that moment to snuggle my Little Miss Sensitive and kiss her tears. But maybe we're creating even a worse kind of monster.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Madison has always hated hearing the word "no" too. We usually say it kind of gently and of course she gets a devious smile and shakes her head, no no no! But we were at a playgoup the other day and one of the other moms yelled "NO!" at her child and of course Madison burst out into tears. Poor thing. They are so sensitive! You can definitely tell the male/female difference as the boys are barreling into each other at this age and the girls are holding hands.