Tuesday, April 07, 2009

It's History!

Day 5: Charlottesville. No Virginia is for Lovers tour would be complete without a least a little bit of history. Today we visited Monticello, the home of Thomas Jefferson. Built atop a hill, the historical property is teaming with vegetable and herb gardens, flower beds and orchards. To get up to the house, the average modern human catches a shuttle - you know the kind, think car rental company shuttle. But getting my country bumpkin son to board that bus was like trying to convince a cat to take a bath. You could see the panic building as the doors folded open for us. Sawyer is typically tentative of new situations but this beat anything I've ever seen. He started clawing at the doors as I climbed in. As more people started boarding he starting shouting 'Get Off! No Bus!" louder and louder until I was certain everyone else was going to think he was some sort of special ed kid screaming and banging his head against the wall in a confined space. Scott eventually covered the child's mouth with his hand to muffle the protests until we started rolling. Once we were on the road and Sawyer realized that the shuttle bus was not, in fact, a roller coaster or a space ship, everything was fine. In the end, he even declared that the bus was good. Ask him today what he did on his vacation and he'll tell you one thing: "I rode the bus."

1 comment:

Sarah Q said...

you should write a book - Virginia Roadtrip: A Family Guide. Looks fun! That Lynchburg place especially oh and of course zebras.