Saturday, May 15, 2010

Scrapbook moment

After this beautiful first moment, Sawyer made a couple runs up and down the road entirely on his own. We've definitely got to work on braking. I attribute the ease with which he picked it up to the training bike his Uncle and Aunt gave him several years ago. He road that bike to pieces (literally). So it was time for the next step up. I'm just not prepared for the first big crash.


sq gmail said...

that is seriously amazing. I'm questioning the pink princess bike i have for addie in the back of my car for her birthday. maybe we should get the balance bike? or maybe never put on the training wheels. now i'm stressing. but i'm still super excited for sawyer!

Afternoon Stache said...

That's one of the first times a product actually did what it claimed to. We got the training bike thinking that it would help him learn to balance, but really just be fun before he could hit up the real thing. But biking solo in 24 hours?!!! Sawyer, you are the man!