Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I can't write around this any more

To many of you, this won't come as news ... to some, it may be a shock.

Scott moved out at the beginning of September. In recent weeks, he left Grand County, moved closer to Denver and is again job hunting. Our marriage is over, although there's surely a bumpy road ahead to make that official. We are resolved to make this process as easy on ourselves and our children as possible.

While I intend to respect his privacy, I plan to continue writing about my own life and talking all about the kids, of course. Even though you may not hear about him here, Scott will always play a big role in the kid's lives. He will have them every other weekend and alternating holidays. He's a great father. They adore him. And, because everyone asks, the kids seem to be taking it all in stride. Children are resilient creatures.

As for me, I hate to think that I've become another statistic ... another slash in the column of failed marriages. In the weeks, months, maybe years to come, I will struggle — financially and emotionally. But, I have hope. Falling apart simply isn't an option — there are kids to raise, mouths to feed, a job to maintain. And, I'm 36. Hell. There's a whole life to live, and I have a blank slate again.

My preschool mom friend, who was widowed several years ago when a tree tragically fell on her husband, shared with me some words of wisdom she received in her darkest hours: "You need to put on your big girl bra and get on with it." Talk about putting life into perspective.

I don't want pity. I have so many things to be thankful for ... my family, my friends, my children, our health.

I couldn't survive without my troops. From my friends Steve and Kate who came up over Christmas and replaced about 30 burnt light bulbs in my house, to Sarah Q who secretly sent a Christmas list of things I really needed to all my family... to my family who filled that list on short notice and traveled out here for the holiday... to my coworker who made sure my New Years was one of the most Rockin' EVER .... even my landlord who knocked $250 bucks off my rent and let me divide it into two payments ... to the NNK friends Lisa, Susan, Elizabeth, Catherine who had my back and supported me these past few years, even when I inexplicably decided to rip up my life and move across country ... and my Colorado buddies Dara, Sarahgirl and Alison who gave me an instant family when I moved back to here ...  to my new family of friends here in Grand County ... even to all you Internet buddies who lift me up when you don't realize it ... THANK YOU!

Life is only starting to get interesting ...


Wendy said...

I emailed you at your write2reid address. do you check that?

Sarah Q said...

We all think you are an amazing, pioneer woman and we love you. I look forward to sharing in the next steps on your road of life and I'm honored to be your friend. Giant hugs!

K*Funk said...

I guess we are all going through some major life events. I am sorry you are going through this but thanks for posting and inspiring all of us not to dwell on the sad things but to move on with our lives. Lots of love and luck to you. I miss you and Colorado even tho we were far apart and hadn't seen each other in forever! Your kids are just too adorable and I love reading your blog and being in touch!