Sunday, March 18, 2007


sawyer is a hungry little dude these days. i just love how he opens his mouth so wide with every bite. he's like a little bird, which reminds of his newborn days when he would open and close his mouth - gawking at me like a baby chicken. how quickly he's become this exploring baby boy: who crawls the span of the house (down the hall into the bedroom) looking for us; who pulls himself up and tries to climb everything, including his parents; who seems to suddenly understand that he's a part of this world. i am thrilled by each new talent, but also recognize that these are signs that he will soon stop being a baby. before i know it he will be graduating high school. that's what people who've been through it always tell me and i take it as an omen. APPRECIATE THIS. yet, i already can't wait until he gets the whole finger food concept. i gave him some Cheerios yesterday and he actually gummed them before swallowing - and he didn't gag as they went down the hatch, so i take this as a good sign. scott filmed the 'marley' scene.

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