Monday, May 19, 2008

Last Day

It was a bittersweet day for us - our last day at Tina's house. Sawyer has been going to Tina's ever since he was Arden's age. But now, Tina's hanging up the burp cloth and going back into the 9-5 workforce. Her twins are off to kindergarten in the fall and she's tired of being trapped at the house all day long. Who can blame her? I just didn't realize how important her role in our life would be or how sentimental I would feel about it. I still remember my own childhood baby sitter, Mrs. Gailey, who threw her trash in the fireplace (which burned year round), watched The Price is Right and had hundreds of amputee plastic cowboys, indians and army guys on the back porch where we played. And the house was always dark. These are the things I remember from a very young age. Three or four maybe? I wonder how much Sawyer will remember of Tina?

On the other hand, our new 19-year-old nanny starts tomorrow, and I am SO looking forward to being able to leave the house without 7 bags and two children hanging from my arms.

On the left is Sawyer on his very first day at Tina's with friend Nathalie.

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