Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Too Fast!

Scott picked up this old riding mower for a song from a Sanford and Sons fixit guy on the side of the road. It even has flames. He's thinking about taking it on the local lawnmower racing circuit. Really. There is such a thing. Mowing the lawn seems to be Scott's new favorite way to wind down when he gets home from work. Sawyer is simultaneously fascinated and horrified by the thing. He points at it all excitedly (because it has WHEELS) but the minute it starts up, he runs up on the front porch crying. This afternoon, Scott convinced him to take a ride. I'm not sure what he was doing here. We put sunglasses on him to protect his eyes but he kept covering them with his hands like he was too scared to look. He peeled his hand back only long enough to wave at me as he went by.

I have to add here that Sawyer has taken to calling the lawnmower "uh-oh." Where ever he sees one he says "uh-oh."


Kate said...

So sweet! Also a good way to get a few minutes to yourself with Sawyer and Scott outside. Emma loves to ride.

Sarah Q said...

go speed racer go!