Wednesday, June 10, 2009

So Long Sippy Cups, Hello Straws

A few people have asked me about the sippy cup issue I mentioned in a previous post. An excerpt from the Nanny 911 episode that scared me to my core can be seen here: LINK.

I would like to take a moment here to thank God that these are not my kids. Not even a little bit. I think a moment of silence for that mother is in order. The whole thing was enough to make me take a hard look at our drawer full of sippy cups. Before I had children, I knew I'd have to wean them from the bottle and potty train, but I never knew how sippy cups would someday infiltrate every aspect of my daily life. Prior to operation Seize the Cup, I had a moment of realization that I had sippy cups (most full of water, but some unfortunately with milk) in my car, in my diaper bag, on the floor in my living room, on the kitchen table, in Sawyer's room AND filling up the dishwasher.

Also, for your reading enjoyment:
So Long Sippy Cups, Hello Straws
Three Problems with Sippy Cups


Kristin said...

Hmmm, I can't get the video to load. Wah! I am intrigued!

Kristin said...

ps I am adding a link to your blog from mine!

Reid said...

Updated the link. Try again.