Saturday, January 02, 2010

Twice the fun

I can't really go the cliché route here and say that I'm in disbelief over Arden turning 2 in a few short days. Really, she seems like she's been 2 for a while. Maybe that's because between keeping up with her big brother and proving her worth, she's always been about 10 steps ahead of me. Walking at 9 months, speaking in sentences at 15 months, potty training at 22 months . . . I've never quite been ready for her.

The second birthday is the most low key affair of all the single digit birthdays in my opinion — not the same to-do as the first, too young to really care or understand like the third. So we took advantage of having the godparents in town and threw an unpretentious (read: grocery store cupcakes, no decorations, one present) early birthday party Friday night. The real birthday is Tuesday.


Wendy said...

happy bday arden!! trained at 22 months????

Reid said...

training. almost there.

Wendy said...

cool! for reasons i am not sure about turner seems so much "younger" at one than chase and ryder did.