Thursday, April 08, 2010

Somebody please bubblewrap my family

I don't know what it is lately. The last two weeks all hell has broken loose. First my job. They cut the entire newsroom down to 32 hours a week — AFTER giving us bonuses and generous recreation reimbursements at the end of last year.
Then my good friend had her baby on the weekend of her baby shower when I was soooo looking forward to three days with my old girlfriends from the 'ville.
And then Scott wrecked the truck driving a coworker home on a road he didn't know. Hit black ice. Only minor injuries, but the truck was totaled.
We both had full time jobs and both the cars were finally paid off — and that all lasted about TWO WEEKS!
When are we ever going to catch a break??????????

(Oh, and ps, thank GOD he is okay.)

So, that was last week. This week, Sawyer has crashed on his face three times — first he tumbled off a chair and got rug burn under his eye, then he scratched his cheek at the playground and now he's somehow done his nose in on the bunk bed at the babysitters house. He looks like a bruiser. Still, every time I turn around he's standing atop some piece of furniture.
I don't even want to discuss the time about a month ago that Arden climbed up her armoir and pulled the whole thing down on herself in about 15 seconds while I was putting away laundry. She walked away unscathed, luckily.
Hmm — did I mention the baby powder explosion and wall art that occurred upstairs while I was vacuuming the downstairs for an out-of-town guest?

And, so I was already worried about walking out the front door when THIS NEWS arrived at the office this morning. (This occurred across the highway from my house on the slopes of the local ski hill.)

1 comment:

Sarah Q said...

oh man oh man oh man. i'm so glad everyone is okay.