Sunday, November 12, 2006

Bionic Mom

My biceps are growing disproportionately large for my arm. Mommy muscles I call them. Lean, mean and solid as a rock. I don't break a drop of sweat lugging the 25 pound fully-loaded bucket seat 50 yards from the house to the car. I don't even notice Sawyer's weight when I carry him in one arm around the house like a sack of potatoes. But, after 90 seconds holding him Saturday night, my mom was ready to pass him back. Her arms were aching. I'm not making fun. I remember when our friends Bethany and Jon had their unusually large babies, I couldn't hold them for more than a few minutes before my face grew red from the strain. Now, I have one of those babies that other people can't hold. In a few more months, I'll be the only woman who can carry him at all. Let's just hope he doesn't wait until he's 18 months to learn to walk. I'll look like Popeye!

1 comment:

Sarah Q said...

i still have the flab since i almost never carry the car seat anymore. my, has life changed for since going back to work.