Wednesday, January 23, 2008

baby acne

baby acne, originally uploaded by Reid Pierce.

Time to bust out the Clearasil. BABY ACNE strikes again. Poor Arden. Fortunately she's too sleepy to notice that she has the complexion of a 13 year old. It brings out the Mommy Dearest in me - just when she's ready for her big introduction to society, I want to sequester her for a few more weeks, because - gasp - she's not PERFECT! I find myself compelled to point out to strangers in the grocery store that, yes, my daughter's face is covered with the most pop-able constellation of whiteheads you've ever seen. The pinkie fingernail on my right hand has grown disproportionately long compared to its mates (primarily because all the other nails tend to break before I get around to cutting them). I find this "Coke Nail" useful for picking at my children's eyes, ears and noses. I have to refrain myself from popping my daughter's cute little zits - but I can't stop thinking about how much fun it would be!

Scott and I were treated to the most delectable chicken pot pie tonight, delivered hot from the oven by our friend Susan. I scooped myself a giant serving and sat down with a stack of magazines, thinking that we would catch up on our reading while our newborn slept quietly in her bassinet and our 18-month-old peacefully ate his chicken and noodles in his high chair next to us. Clearly, I was on crack. Seven minutes later, two bites into my slice of pie, I am sitting at the table jiggling a fussy Arden in my left arm while Sawyer is using his plastic wagon as a step stool to climb into my lap. Only it has wheels and has rolled out from under him, leaving him suspended like a bridge between it and my thigh. I am attempting to hold him up with my right arm, looking longingly at my potpie and my magazine. Both children start wailing in unison, and I look across the table at my husband - who is staring back at me with saucer-wide eyes - and it hits me: 'Oh my God, we have TWO children.'


Anonymous said...

Haha, the saucer-wide eyes! I get those pretty often from across my table, too. Like, "holy #$%! what have we done"?

Afternoon Stache said...

i know it's not the same thing, but i had a very similar realization a while ago while I was walking Raleigh and Taylor simultaneously in two different directions. omg, we have TWO dogs.

Sarah Q said...

some of us are cursed with pizza face still into our 30s.Sigh. Vanity.

Unknown said...

Got piety with the baby, she experience having acne early without knowing. You need to clear all those up knowing that baby's skin are really that sensitive.