Monday, August 18, 2008

Super Nanny

Every dad dreams of hiring the hot 19-year-old nanny. This summer, we actually did. Not only is Tara cute (and very serious about her boyfriend), and smart (graduated tops in her class), she has been working with toddlers since she was old enough to earn a paycheck. She showed up to our house in the morning with craft projects for Sawyer. She made cleaning up a game - Sawyer is now neater than me, he takes his dishes to the sink and puts his shoes away. She folded laundry and emptied the dishwasher. She took the kids on little field trips. And she survived. Which is saying A LOT, because spending the entire day with a baby and a toddler is often more than their own mom can handle. I think this summer job had a unintended side effect. Tara - who told me in her interview that she wants 4 kids - has sworn off having children anytime in the next decade. In fact, she's going to focus on a degree in photography and traveling the world, she said. Ahhh. To be 19. We'll miss Tara, though I suspect she'll be around again. The kids start their first day at new preschools and daycare centers Monday. Back to packing everyone up in the morning, wrestling clothes on and force feeding on the way out the door. Sawyer will be going to preschool full time - the first time he's been away from me 5 days a week. Arden will be at daycare 3 days a week, the first time in her life that she's been cared for outside of the house. I am looking forward to a routine for Sawyers and more peer-group interaction. And the place where Arden is heading is new and so beautiful that I just want to get down on the floor and play. But, it took me an hour to pack everyone up for tomorrow morning, and I just kept thinking HOW MUCH I am going to miss the nanny.

1 comment:

Chillable said...

Not a day goes by that I don't miss our nanny. Especially when cleaning crud out of the crevices of the highchair and doing the umpteenth load of laundry!!