Friday, December 12, 2008

Lessons learned

Sawyer has been attending a Baptist preschool these last four months. In addition to learning about Jesus when they study the letter J, Sawyer is learning to say his prayers, mind his manners and obey the 10 commandments (or a preschool version of them). For $100/week (full time), it is a miracle. Yet, it's a constant struggle between my lion-hearted son (he's not officially a LEO but he should be) and the teachers who have little tolerance for strong-willed children. Most days I get notes home that Sawyer lost his 'star' for telling the teacher "No." Some days he loses it for 'stubborn behavior' or 'running wild.' Still, they manage to get him to follow their rules most of the time. The best thing they have taught him is to put his hands behind his back when he stands in a line at school. I use the hands behind the back trick when we go shopping. He can run through a toy store and not touch a thing. Another miracle. On the good side, they tell me that he has an amazing attention span for books and movies. Of course, we don't have TV so we watch a lot of movies at home. And we read three or four books every night. When we get to the end of each book, Sawyer closes the cover and says "Amen."


Kate said...

He sounds like a little angel!

kitty said...

i like the hands behind your back trick! good for you guys!

Sarah Q said...

i'm totally going to try the hands behind the back trick too!