Tuesday, December 02, 2008

More Notes

I'm afraid I'll forget all those cute things Sawyer says once they start slipping away. My current favorite is "I dood it! I dood it!" which he says with delight after accomplishing a task by himself. I yelled at my dad over the weekend for correcting him. Other language mishaps are a bit more confusing. Like when he says "Help me," while trying to put on his clothes. If you actually try to help him, he starts screaming even louder: "Help me, help me!" running in the opposite direction. What he means is that he's helping himself, Me being the operative word in that sentence.


Chillable said...

What a coincidence---just last night I was composing a blog post in my head about all the things Sadie is saying these days! Now, off to write it...

kitty said...

it's so funny isn't it? tayloe says, 'taydough do it' as he's pointing to himself, like i don't know who taydough is. it's good to be 2.