Friday, September 29, 2006

Hats off

As Sawyer's hairline continues to recede and fall weather approaches and I look at cute baby models posing the latest styles, I've decided that I might be into hats. I have about a million of them but haven't used any since about week 1 when he came home from the hospital. Actuallly, the whole hat look makes me laugh, which is a bit cruel - but I am hoping to not permanantly bruise the little guy's ego (see Cancer entry below). Of course, all I have right now are hats in the ubiquitous baby blue. I may have to scope out some fun alternatives.... see there I go again, looking for any excuse to shop.


kitty said...

aaawww, adorable. he looks so much like scott and justin, but i see you in there too. so cool .....

Sarah Q said...

maybe sawyer would look good sporting a bandana?