Saturday, September 26, 2009


The kids were troopers all day, especially Sawyer who wheeled his own luggage through three airports without complaint and not only braved the airplane without a tear, but a train, elevator (had to drag him) and parking shuttle bus (kicking and screaming). Sawyer took the whole thing like a little man and chatted up the lady next to him on the bus about how we were going to our new house and the bus was taking us to mommy's car. I was really impressed with his grasp of the situation. The kids and I had just enough time to walk over to City Market, appreciate the selection, come home and hit the hay. I convinced Sawyer to sleep in Arden's room at least temporarily. We'll see whether it works long term. As I was trying to get everyone to quiet down Sawyer said: Excuse me, Mommy. Can you do me a favor? Can you tell me . . . um . . . What are we doing here?

Here is a totally unedited 4-minute video of us arriving at our new house today. There's something I have to explain before you watch it. Sawyer is terrified of vacuums. Climb up on the couch and scream terrified. My Kirby 2000, which I bought for more than I will ever admit from a couple of door-to-door salesmen when I was single and living in Leadville, is guaranteed to be with us for the next 50 years, longer than I'll have the wherewithal to lift it. I considered getting rid of it before the move but decided it held too much sentimental value (not to mention that I may still be paying it off on my credit card). Anyway, Sawyer apparently shared that sentimental feeling about the old Kirbster as you are about to see.


Niki said...

So, who's bringing Duncan to the Rockies?

Reid said...

omg . . . DUNCAN!!

Anne said...

Scott. Who is looking for the
dog crate.