Wednesday, October 14, 2009


We all bounced back quickly from the weekend's stomach bug, but now I'm in a total tizzy over the Swine Flu situation. I've NEVER bought into hype, but after covering this story, I'm pretty freaked. Maybe not so much that my kids are going to die, which — let's face it — they could, but that if somebody caught it tomorrow I could be home with sick kids and my sick self and still paying for daycare for THREE weeks! I mean, let's get practical people. I can't afford Swine Flu. So, I'm seriously considering getting the shots when they are "released" next week. They are being carefully "released" by the state government, which makes me highly suspect . . . again, I'm not a big conspiracy theorist, but why dole the stuff out like trick-or-treat candy when 60 kids in a 200 kid school are out with the flu this week alone? By the time they finish distributing the stuff mid-January, most of us will either have already survived it or died of it.


Catherine said...

that would suck. take all that nervous energy put it into washing their hands like a crazy person.

Reid said...

We don't walk into the house without washing hands. First case already in Sawyer's school. Just a matter of time.

Chillable said...

AGH, I hate this swine flu thing, I'm so confused--I've never been a believer in even the "regular" flu vaccine, so I'm totally conflicted over this! What to do, what to do!

Sarah Q said...

for the first time ever, i'm planning (key word) on getting the flu shot and the h1n1. both my OB and Addie's pediatrician suggested we get them, esp. since i'm in the high risk category - home with a baby under 6 months. now, i just need to go get the shots . . .

Afternoon Stache said...

at least the "kid" vaccine doesn't have the live virus. The rest of us have to infest ourselves.