Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Evening conversation

When I got home from work tonight, both kids were still awake in bed. Arden was standing in her crib, flicking her light switch on and off, on and off. (Note to self, move the crib.) After I relieved the sitter and got Arden down, I Sawyer heard calling me in a tiny voice: Mommy. Mommy. He was wide awake and ready to talk. Some of our most fascinating conversations happen just before bed. He asked me if daddy was home. I tried, to the best of my ability, to explain that Daddy was on his way home when he got a call from a potential employer for an interview tomorrow and had to turn around. It was very difficult to explain, considering that I'm not even sure Sawyer understands the concept of a job or work. After a lot of WHY's and blank stares, Sawyer asked me why daddy jumped off the roof. Uh. Right. He's talking a lot lately about the roof. Apparently Duncan jumped over it. He keeps telling that story over and over to everyone who will listen. Maybe it was a dream he had. Maybe it's just a tall tale. I don't know. I turned the focus to the Cabbage Patch Doll he was playing with, which was mine when I was young. And we talked about growing up and getting bigger. He got upset when I told him the doll used to be mine. He kept trying to give it back to me, and I had to explain that I don't need the doll any more because I have real babies. I asked him if he wanted to be a daddy someday. He said yes, then thought about it for a minute, and said: "I don't want to be Daddy, because that's really BIG and it would HURT."


Anne said...

And the Cabbage Patch doll came all the way from London when none
were to be found here.

And the real kids are much more interesting.

Lost me on the being a Daddy hurts.
Is that the roof jumping issue or
some other birthing confusion?

Reid said...

I think he's saying it would Hurt to grow that tall.

kitty said...

he's such a bright little boy. amazing!

Afternoon Stache said...

Mimi, your London cabbage patch kid story doesn't really hold the same weight anymore when now I can order the the pieces from china, have it assembled in Europe and mailed to me overnight with the internet.

I think when you are younger, with less of a vocabulary, words relate to a type of thing or emotion, but are not specific. For all we know "roof" means something made of wood that goes over something else, like a dock or a deck. And "hurt" could mean sad or upset. Translation, Sawyer doesn't want to grow up, he's a Toys 'R' Us kid. You can have your cabbage, mommy.