Saturday, August 08, 2009

Jumping Thing

Uncle Ross and Aunt Niki came through with another fun birthday present this year. The pump just arrived on Thursday, saving Scott from having to blow the whole thing up by lung alone. Sawyer was typically scared to death for the first ten minutes, but came around once Mommy got in and showed him it wasn't going to swallow him whole. We put it up in the loft so we could leave it up for more than one day and the best part of the whole thing is that it absolutely wore the kids out. Both went to sleep last night without the slightest complaint.

1 comment:

Afternoon Stache said...

At least this one didn't have to sit in a closet for a year before Sawyer could enjoy it. Really glad they're having so much fun. It's a present for Sawyer, but also for Arden and parents alike!