Sunday, August 23, 2009

What's on your part?

I started this little tradition some months ago where every night at the dinner table I ask Sawyer what was the best part of his day. I think it helps bring shape to his young life, to review the events in a 12 hour period and consider what was fun and what wasn't. Most of the time it's hard for him to think of something he did at the beginning of the day, although occasionally something will have been so exciting that it will supersede all other events for days - like the time he stuck his nose underwater. Some days that's still his best part. And it was two weeks ago. He latched onto the exercise immediately. Whenever we sit down, he asks everyone at the table: What's on your part? Which, of course, leaves guests and relatives looking perplexed, quickly checking their noses and flies. Now he's got it down to a science. What was your best part Sawyer? Riding in Daddy's truck. Walking with Mimi. Jumping in the Jumper Thing. Everyone at the table must answer the question. Arden is included, of course, though usually she just smiles and giggles when it's her turn. Some days, when it's my turn, I have a hard time thinking of a best part. I'll flip back through the meetings, stories and drama from work, and the stress of getting everyone out the door in the morning and then back in the door at night. I'll feel exhaustion burning my eyelids and work hard to come up with a suitable answer. Then Sawyer will say something like: My best part is sitting here eating chicken with you. And I am reminded that my best part, everyday, is my children. Even when it's not.

1 comment:

Kate said...

I want to click on the "like" button!