Tuesday, February 12, 2008

i voted

I'm not usually one to vote and tell, but I can't help myself this time. I walked into the booth for today's "Potomac Primaries" with no clue who would get my tally. I stood with my bubbles and big black marker (remember I live in the country) and did a little soul searching, right there in the polling booth, no curtain to hide my hesitation. I thought about a recent conversation I had with my most Republican friend in the world. I mean, this girl knows people in the White House. She's worked on Republican campaigns. And, the other night, at dinner, she told me she was voting for Barack Obama. (She did admit that Montessori school was possibly having a more profound affect on her than her children). That news rocked me to my core. Six months ago I was joking that I didn't know if America was ready for "Obama" when "Osama" was still on the loose. He's young and inexperienced, and I really would like to see a woman be president. But, in that soul searching moment in the booth, I had a vision of a kilted Mel Gibson grabbing Robert the Bruce in Braveheart and saying in his lusciously thck Scottish accent: "Unite us. Unite the Clans. They will follow you. I know they will." And thus I joined a shocking 63 percent of Virginians in voting for Obama. I just hope America is ready.

1 comment:

Afternoon Stache said...

Word to that. I voted the same way. And here in the big city I too had to use a big black marker and vote on what it basically a Fischer Price fold up table in someone's garage. I like it though. Gives it more of the feel of Sam Adams meeting in a pub somewhere to plot history. I was shocked after Super Tuesday though when most California didn't vote along with me. Sure they voted democratic as expected, but have they seen the "Yes We Can" speech. The guy is one of the best speakers of the last 30 years. I'm glad he's in the lead, but I fear another miscount at the finish. You rock Barack. Get it done.