Monday, February 11, 2008


I am working on revising my template - although I liked the look of my old one, the layout was limiting - so you may notice some changes in the coming weeks - and some snaffus: photos being cut off or links that don't work. Hopefully, when all is said and done, the new layout will provide some fresh elements and a sharper look.


Anonymous said...

Susan Miller says you need to post more often and put more pictures up. she looks forward to them and understands the challenges of two children, but really...think of your audience.


Chillable said...

I already like the new look better! Nice work. Now if you could please explain how you find time to do this stuff with TWO kids, that would be great...I can barely manage my updates with one.

Chillable said...

p.s. I might add to your Top 10 signs you're a blog addict with: "You check your OWN blog multiple times a day to see if anyone's left a comment."
So sad. Yet so, so true.

Sarah Q said...

tech suppport - can i get my width to be wider so my photos can be bigger?