Monday, February 04, 2008

Reality strikes

Arden is now 4 weeks old - can you believe it? - and today is my first day home alone with both kids. I have been living in a state of denial, pretending most of the time that I really only have one child because the truth is just too much to handle. So, it was a pretty crazy morning with everyone having stayed up too late watching the Superbowl and thus in fine meltdown form. By 2 pm the house was a wreck and I was too tired to do anything more productive than lay on the couch and let Arden hang off my boob while Sawyer watched CARS for the 53rd time in five days. I couldn't even motivate to take the poor children outside for a walk. But, I would like to note that it is now 4 p.m. The house is clean, I have showered and I am sitting down to write on my blog. Everybody is SLEEPING!! God Bless IT. I love naps. I may survive this parenting thing after all.

1 comment:

Sarah Q said...

just remember, you don't HAVE to do anything but love and cuddle 'em right now. leave the other tasks for another day.