Sunday, February 25, 2007

Born with a silver rattle in his mouth

Look ma, no hands!

Sawyer and I took a delectable, drool-on-the-pillow nap this afternoon. It was the highlight of the day. I was exhausted. We have turned this house upside-down over the last 24 hours looking for the dang remote control, which has walked off to God-knows-where. We still haven't found it. We have been through every piece of furniture, every nook and cranny, every box and bag at least 10 times, so, either the dogs ran off with it or the ground opened up and swallowed it whole. The DVD and stereo system do not work properly without the remote control. No music. No movies. Argh! Losing things is the worst. You might as well take my brain for all I'm worth when something important is missing. It's all I can think about. We can't walk through the house without lifting the same pillow we've already lifted a dozen times. We need a remote control just to find our remote control. A pager, perhaps, like they have on portable phones. Will somebody please invent that?

Speaking of technology, why do babies love it so much? A hundred toys and all my 7 month old wants is the cell phone, computer, telephone, power cord etc.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Ain't that the truth. Funny, I have a drafted blog on this topic. (it takes me a bit to actually publish what I write.) my boys love the remote control. And, what I do not understand is how they know exactly which one to play with. We took the batteries out of the dvd remote, we give that to them to play with. Nope, not good enough, they want the cable remote. They want to change what I am watching, or better yet fast forward what we're watching on dvr. They are no dummies.