Monday, February 26, 2007

Bye Bye

This morning as Scott was leaving the house he waved goodbye to Sawyer and Sawyer waved back. Just like that. They repeated the act a second time. I was beside myself. COMMUNICATION, people. We have COMMUNICATION! Waving is not something we have practiced so I have no idea where it came from. He just woke up this morning and decided he could do it. Most milestones seem to happen like that - unexpectedly.

I tried to get him to wave to the camera, but he just wanted to eat it.


Afternoon Stache said...

For a second there I thought we were talking first words...

Reid said...

As for first words we've got mama and dada - but he uses them all willy nilly so who knows if he associates them with us or not. Of course, when he accidentally uses one in the right context we gush.

Sarah Q said...

clever sawyer! our lil tot won't do any clapping, waving or mama-ing. and forget baby sign language. nada.

Wendy said...

Sawyer seems to be a bit ahead of the curve....there's no chance Chase and Ryder are behind the curve (ha ha) so we will say, yes, Sawyer is well ahead of it.....go Sawyer.