Thursday, February 22, 2007


Sawyer turned 7 months yesterday, and I didn't even remember to celebrate his birthday.
I was too busy chasing him.
That's right.
We have forward motion. He is officially crawling.
His little two kneed bunny hop has evolved and he can now cover the distance of the living room rug in a matter of minutes.
Just this morning I put him down on his back with a bottle and looked back up a few minutes later and he was MIA - It took a second to find him at the base of my chair. He was trying to get to mommy!
Bath time has taken on an added challenge of its own.
A few nights ago it was the shower curtain, which he wanted to tear down and eat.
Now wants to crawl in the little plastic tub and it was all I could do to hang onto the slippery wet baby who kept trying to flip over on his tummy and crawl out of the tub.
Last night he discovered the drain - which makes a fascinating sound as the water he splashes out of the tub trickles and gurgles down the pipe. Five toys could not distract him. He kept lunging for the drain. I was a) laughing hysterically, and b) desperately trying to keep him from face planting on the tile.
I came out into the living room with Sawyer bundled in his towel and told Scott how I was physically exhausted after that struggle, and how I spent the entire time trying to get him to just sit down and play with his toys.
What do you mean the whole time? scott asked. It was only two minutes.


Sarah Q said...

i see that, like addie, sawyer prefers cell phones too. be warned though. we've actually had to return mine after addie's toxic drool destroyed it. that's a very expensive baby toy.

and go sawyer for crawling!

Anonymous said...

Awwww . . . I'm so glad I can finally see the video! That made my eyes tear up.

Afternoon Stache said...

That mohawk is the straight bomb. Puts my faux to shame.