Sunday, July 30, 2006

the sponge bath

I have been dreading this day since I first read the chapter on sponge baths in "What to Expect the First Year." How could something as simple as a bath be SO complicated. We geared up the team. Justin was assigned photographer. Mom read the directions, so she was in charge of the actual sponging. I was on the adhesive removal committee. Powerful bandages from the hospital and doctor's office still clung to his tender skin and needed to be extracted carefully. We gathered 157 items the book said we needed: lotion, Q-tips, cotton balls, baby suds, waterproof pad, towel, washcloth, lotion, diaper, vaseline, gause, diaper rash cream, fresh outfit, small bowl, etc. In the end, it turned out to be as simple as wiping him off with a warm washcloth. Sawyer, who - typical boy - objects to having his clothes off or being changed in any fashion, screamed like he was being stabbed with a thousand knives. The adhesive proved a bit more of a challenge, but nothing three tablespoons of soap, a little warm water and a quick rip couldn't cure. The reward came at the end when we got to wrap him up in this cute frog towel and take lots and lots of pictures.

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